Xavier Lacot
E-mail: xavier@lacot.org -
I do not search for a new job, I am very happy with my current life :-) Would you need my services, for instance as a consultant or technical expert, you may contact JoliCode, the company I created in 2012.
Computer knowledge
Web developementPHP, XHTML/CSS, Javascript, Go, Rust, APIs, many other things.
I like Web and mobile development and I am keen on good developement practices.
I have a great interest in the respect of Web Standards, and in all kind of developments related to the Semantic Web. That is the reason why I am involved in the translation of some W3C Recommandations, as well as the promotion and the implementation of these new technologies.
Ops(Linux/Debian) servers admin, PaaS, deployment, provisionning, monitoring, virtualization and containerization tools.
Professionnal Experiences
since March 2012JoliCode, Paris. Founder, PHP and mobility expert. I offer my expertise through JoliCode, a team of highly skilled Web and mobile developers.
I am the CEO of JoliCode, which I co-created. I work as a PHP, javascript or mobile development expert. Please visit our website to learn more about our activities.
since 2018redirection.io, Paris.
redirection.io is a SaaS platform to log, analyze and fix HTTP traffic issues, without the need for technical knowledge.
depuis 2018Premier Octet, Paris.
I lead the company "Premier Octet", which proposes highly expert services in mobile and Web applications Web development. Most notabily, Premier Octet offers a highly skilled expertise of the React / react native platforms.
2012 - 2013AFUP, Paris. President of AFUP, the French PHP Usergroup.
AFUP organizes two major conferences each year: the Forum PHP and the AFUP Day (which takes place in several French cities). From 2012 to 2023, I was involved in the association under several roles (member of the administration board, the supervisory board, etc.).
2005 - 2012Clever Age, Paris. Director of the expertise group, and PHP technical lead of the company.
2005Internship, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Poissy (France).
XHTML/CSS Web standards switch of the "Configurator", an online tool that allows PSA clients to configure their vehicle on the different websites of the group. Conception, developement and responsability of the Configurator of Citroën.
2003 - 2004Internship, DaimlerChrysler Research Center, Ulm (Germany).
I took part to the developement and the tests of a car-embedded vocal Dialog system. Developement of the CAN-bus interface and of cognitive workload assessment software.
2004 - 2005Mastère IDL (Specialization in Software Engeneering) at ENST (Télécom Paris).
2003 - 2004One year of study in the University of Ulm (Germany), as part of the european exchange-program ERASMUS.
2001 - 2004Three-year Ingenieur Cycle at ENSSAT, Lannion. Major: Software and Computer Systems.
1999 - 2001Two-year "Grande École" preparatory cycle. Lycée Michel Montaigne, Bordeaux.
Foreign languages
Frenchmother tongue
since 2006Please check my Speakerdeck account to discover my last talks.
GitHubPlease check my GitHub account.